4A/OP or, Automatized Atmospheric Absorption Atlas,is an operational fast and accurate radiative transfer model for the infrared. 4A/OP is a user-friendly software for various scientific applications (surface, balloon or space-based observations), co-developed by LMD and with the support of CNES (the French Space Agency). It uses spectroscopy from the regularly updated GEISA spectral line data catalog. Other spectroscopy databanks can be used.


4A/OP or, Automatized Atmospheric Absorption Atlas,is an operational fast and accurate radiative transfer model for the infrared. 4A/OP is a user-friendly software for various scientific applications (surface, balloon or space-based observations), co-developed by LMD and with the support of CNES (the French Space Agency). It uses spectroscopy from the regularly updated GEISA spectral line data catalog. Other spectroscopy databanks can be used.