4 Little Dream Songs

4 Little Dream Songs is a series of 4 pieces for solo classical guitar, composed by Takashi Yoshimatsu in 1993. It was written as a supplement to the composer's Tender Toys works and consists of transcriptions for guitar and harmonica of various melodies which were used in broadcasts and stage plays. The sheet music for these pieces was issued together in Yoshimatsu Collected Works Vol. 3 for Guitar.

4 Little Dream Songs

4 Little Dream Songs is a series of 4 pieces for solo classical guitar, composed by Takashi Yoshimatsu in 1993. It was written as a supplement to the composer's Tender Toys works and consists of transcriptions for guitar and harmonica of various melodies which were used in broadcasts and stage plays. The sheet music for these pieces was issued together in Yoshimatsu Collected Works Vol. 3 for Guitar.