96° in the Shade

96° In The Shade is the second album by the Jamaican reggae group Third World, released by Island Records in 1977. The title track, “1865 (96 Degrees in the Shade)”, refers to the year of the Morant Bay rebellion, headed by the Baptist deacon and preacher Paul Bogle. Although the rebellion failed, the song makes clear that Bogle’s actions reverberated across Jamaican history. The song has “simmering, rootsy beat, subtly infectious melody, lovely guitar work and potent lyrics.”

96° in the Shade

96° In The Shade is the second album by the Jamaican reggae group Third World, released by Island Records in 1977. The title track, “1865 (96 Degrees in the Shade)”, refers to the year of the Morant Bay rebellion, headed by the Baptist deacon and preacher Paul Bogle. Although the rebellion failed, the song makes clear that Bogle’s actions reverberated across Jamaican history. The song has “simmering, rootsy beat, subtly infectious melody, lovely guitar work and potent lyrics.”