A64 (emulator)

A64, a Commodore 64 emulator for the Commodore Amiga, was developed and published by the now-defunct software company , and distributed as shareware. The non-registered version was free of charge, but was limited to ten minutes of use at a time. The registered version, costing US$80, had no time limit and came with a special hardware adapter to connect a Commodore 1541 disk drive to the Amiga's parallel port.

A64 (emulator)

A64, a Commodore 64 emulator for the Commodore Amiga, was developed and published by the now-defunct software company , and distributed as shareware. The non-registered version was free of charge, but was limited to ten minutes of use at a time. The registered version, costing US$80, had no time limit and came with a special hardware adapter to connect a Commodore 1541 disk drive to the Amiga's parallel port.