AIPC Magazine

AIPC Magazine is a quarterly Italian-language periodical and the official publication of Associazione Italiana Piante Carnivore (AIPC), a carnivorous plant society based in Rome, Italy. Typical articles include matters of horticultural interest, field reports, and plant descriptions. The periodical was established as AIPC News by Marcello Catalano in January 1998, at a time when the newly founded AIPC had only around 30 members. Nepenthes rosea was formally described as a new species in the December 2014 issue of AIPC Magazine, followed by N. kongkandana in the March 2015 issue.

AIPC Magazine

AIPC Magazine is a quarterly Italian-language periodical and the official publication of Associazione Italiana Piante Carnivore (AIPC), a carnivorous plant society based in Rome, Italy. Typical articles include matters of horticultural interest, field reports, and plant descriptions. The periodical was established as AIPC News by Marcello Catalano in January 1998, at a time when the newly founded AIPC had only around 30 members. Nepenthes rosea was formally described as a new species in the December 2014 issue of AIPC Magazine, followed by N. kongkandana in the March 2015 issue.