
The "flag ticket" franc (French: Billet drapeau) was a currency issued by the United States for use in Allied-occupied France in the wake of the Battle of Normandy. With the swift take-over of sovereignty by General Charles de Gaulle, who considered the US occupation franc as “counterfeit money”, the currency rapidly faded out of use in favour of the pre-war French franc.First Series-Supplemental French Franc Currency.Second Series-Provisional French Franc Currency.


The "flag ticket" franc (French: Billet drapeau) was a currency issued by the United States for use in Allied-occupied France in the wake of the Battle of Normandy. With the swift take-over of sovereignty by General Charles de Gaulle, who considered the US occupation franc as “counterfeit money”, the currency rapidly faded out of use in favour of the pre-war French franc.First Series-Supplemental French Franc Currency.Second Series-Provisional French Franc Currency.