AMD Academy of Fashion and Design

The AMD Akademie Mode & Design is the design department of the private Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. With locations in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden (start 2019), Munich and Berlin, AMD is thus part of one of the largest private universities of applied sciences in Germany and is based in Idstein together with the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Accredited study programs, training and further education programmes in the fields of design, fashion, communication and industry-specific management are part of its educational offer.

AMD Academy of Fashion and Design

The AMD Akademie Mode & Design is the design department of the private Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. With locations in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden (start 2019), Munich and Berlin, AMD is thus part of one of the largest private universities of applied sciences in Germany and is based in Idstein together with the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. Accredited study programs, training and further education programmes in the fields of design, fashion, communication and industry-specific management are part of its educational offer.