ANESVAD Foundation

ANESVAD Foundation - non-profit and non-governmental organization, which supports health and social development projects in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Established in 1968 in Bilbao, Spain. In 1970, ANESVAD began fighting against leprosy in the Philippines by the help with the help of Father Javier Olazábal S.I. Gradually, the organization spread its activities to different fields: general health assistance, preventing child sexual exploitation, Buruli ulcer, HIV/AIDS in different countries.

ANESVAD Foundation

ANESVAD Foundation - non-profit and non-governmental organization, which supports health and social development projects in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Established in 1968 in Bilbao, Spain. In 1970, ANESVAD began fighting against leprosy in the Philippines by the help with the help of Father Javier Olazábal S.I. Gradually, the organization spread its activities to different fields: general health assistance, preventing child sexual exploitation, Buruli ulcer, HIV/AIDS in different countries.