A Clean Breast

A Clean Breast is film director Russ Meyer's self-published three volume autobiography. Written under the pen name "Adolph Schwartz" and published by a company named "Hauck", for Meyer's late mother's maiden name, it was published in August 2000 after fifteen years of delays and rewrites. Many Meyer fans had pre-paid for the book as early as 1990. It is an immense 18-pound, 3-volume set of luxurious 100-lb paper stock, with sewn signatures and thousands of photos.

A Clean Breast

A Clean Breast is film director Russ Meyer's self-published three volume autobiography. Written under the pen name "Adolph Schwartz" and published by a company named "Hauck", for Meyer's late mother's maiden name, it was published in August 2000 after fifteen years of delays and rewrites. Many Meyer fans had pre-paid for the book as early as 1990. It is an immense 18-pound, 3-volume set of luxurious 100-lb paper stock, with sewn signatures and thousands of photos.