A Garden of Earthly Delights

A Garden of Earthly Delights is a novel by Joyce Carol Oates, published by Vanguard in 1967. Her second book published, it is the first of her series known as the "Wonderland Quartet". It was a finalist for the 1968 annual U.S. National Book Award for Fiction. For a recent Modern Library edition of the novel, Oates revised three quarters of the original published text.

A Garden of Earthly Delights

A Garden of Earthly Delights is a novel by Joyce Carol Oates, published by Vanguard in 1967. Her second book published, it is the first of her series known as the "Wonderland Quartet". It was a finalist for the 1968 annual U.S. National Book Award for Fiction. For a recent Modern Library edition of the novel, Oates revised three quarters of the original published text.