A Modern Affair

A Modern Affair is a 1996 independent feature film directed by Vern Oakley and produced by Tribe Pictures. Starring Stanley Tucci and Lisa Eichhorn, the film's plot reverses the conventions of romantic comedies: instead of man meet woman - fall in love, marry and have baby, in this film the woman gets pregnant, then meets the father, then falls in love. Grace Rhodes (Lisa Eichhorn) is a lonely, successful executive whose biological clock is loudly ticking. Giving up on finding the right man, she resorts to using a sperm bank on the advice of her best friend Elaine (Caroline Aaron). Soon she is pregnant, but she becomes so curious as to the identity of the father that she goes on a quest to find him with the help of Elaine. Peter Kessler (Stanley Tucci) is a nature photographer living in Up

A Modern Affair

A Modern Affair is a 1996 independent feature film directed by Vern Oakley and produced by Tribe Pictures. Starring Stanley Tucci and Lisa Eichhorn, the film's plot reverses the conventions of romantic comedies: instead of man meet woman - fall in love, marry and have baby, in this film the woman gets pregnant, then meets the father, then falls in love. Grace Rhodes (Lisa Eichhorn) is a lonely, successful executive whose biological clock is loudly ticking. Giving up on finding the right man, she resorts to using a sperm bank on the advice of her best friend Elaine (Caroline Aaron). Soon she is pregnant, but she becomes so curious as to the identity of the father that she goes on a quest to find him with the help of Elaine. Peter Kessler (Stanley Tucci) is a nature photographer living in Up