A Semana

A Semana (Portuguese meaning "The Week") is a Cape Verdean daily that covers its top stories in the archipelago and local stories ranging from each island. A Semana is located in the Cape Verdean capital city of Praia and is one of the most circulated newspapers and dailies in Cape Verde. Its slogan is the "First Capeverdean Daily (not often as Diary which is also translated in English, when it is to daily, it is not translated as) in Line" ("Primeiro diário caboverdiano em linha"). Its current price is 100 escudos.

A Semana

A Semana (Portuguese meaning "The Week") is a Cape Verdean daily that covers its top stories in the archipelago and local stories ranging from each island. A Semana is located in the Cape Verdean capital city of Praia and is one of the most circulated newspapers and dailies in Cape Verde. Its slogan is the "First Capeverdean Daily (not often as Diary which is also translated in English, when it is to daily, it is not translated as) in Line" ("Primeiro diário caboverdiano em linha"). Its current price is 100 escudos.