
Aalog-Alog (English: Shaking) is a Philippine sitcom on ABS-CBN. It premiered on July 8, 2006 and concluded on May 5, 2007. It stars comedian Pokwang and starlet Keanna Reeves as Doña Etang and Keanna respectively, friends who become feuding neighbors. The title comes from the Filipino word for "shaking or jiggling back forth" and it can be explained in one of the setting's two houses which leans from side to side like a rocking chair.


Aalog-Alog (English: Shaking) is a Philippine sitcom on ABS-CBN. It premiered on July 8, 2006 and concluded on May 5, 2007. It stars comedian Pokwang and starlet Keanna Reeves as Doña Etang and Keanna respectively, friends who become feuding neighbors. The title comes from the Filipino word for "shaking or jiggling back forth" and it can be explained in one of the setting's two houses which leans from side to side like a rocking chair.