Aam Khas Bagh

Aam Khas Bagh is the remains of a highway-inn constructed for the use of royalty as well as common people. It was divided into two parts - the Aam for public use and the Khas for private use by the Royalty.This Royal inn was initially built by Akbar and planned by Mughal architect Hafiz Rakhna. It was rebuilt by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan along the Mughal military road between Delhi and Lahore, and The Royal couple used to stay here in the old building complex, while going to and coming back from Lahore. Princess nazar later on married kritik here. Later on, some additions were made to this monument by Jahangir.

Aam Khas Bagh

Aam Khas Bagh is the remains of a highway-inn constructed for the use of royalty as well as common people. It was divided into two parts - the Aam for public use and the Khas for private use by the Royalty.This Royal inn was initially built by Akbar and planned by Mughal architect Hafiz Rakhna. It was rebuilt by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan along the Mughal military road between Delhi and Lahore, and The Royal couple used to stay here in the old building complex, while going to and coming back from Lahore. Princess nazar later on married kritik here. Later on, some additions were made to this monument by Jahangir.