Aarhus N

Aarhus N is a postal district in the city of Aarhus, consisting of Trøjborg, Risskov, Vejlby, Skejby, Vorrevangen and Christiansbjerg, all with postal code 8200. Aarhus N is an abbreviation for Aarhus Nord (lit. "Aarhus North") and is located north of the city centre. It is the highest lying area of Aarhus. Many of the neighborhoods in the district were once small, separated farms and villages, but developed and grew through the Industrial Revolution and later merged with the rest of Aarhus. Aarhus N has 34,512 inhabitants (2016 statistics).

Aarhus N

Aarhus N is a postal district in the city of Aarhus, consisting of Trøjborg, Risskov, Vejlby, Skejby, Vorrevangen and Christiansbjerg, all with postal code 8200. Aarhus N is an abbreviation for Aarhus Nord (lit. "Aarhus North") and is located north of the city centre. It is the highest lying area of Aarhus. Many of the neighborhoods in the district were once small, separated farms and villages, but developed and grew through the Industrial Revolution and later merged with the rest of Aarhus. Aarhus N has 34,512 inhabitants (2016 statistics).