Aaron ben Meir of Brest

Aaron ben Meir of Brest was a Belarusian rabbi; born about the beginning of the eighteenth century at Brest-Litovsk, Belarus (then Russia); died there Nov. 3, 1777. He was a descendant of the family of Katzenellenbogen-Padua, and received his Talmudical instruction from , a well-known Pilpulist and the author of a number of rabbinical works.

Aaron ben Meir of Brest

Aaron ben Meir of Brest was a Belarusian rabbi; born about the beginning of the eighteenth century at Brest-Litovsk, Belarus (then Russia); died there Nov. 3, 1777. He was a descendant of the family of Katzenellenbogen-Padua, and received his Talmudical instruction from , a well-known Pilpulist and the author of a number of rabbinical works.