Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo

Abd al-Rahman, known as Sanchuelo (983 – 3 March 1009), was the ʿĀmirid hajib (chief minister) of the Caliphate of Córdoba under Caliph Hisham II from 1008 until his death. Actual power in the caliphate at the time was in the hands of the hajib. Sanchuelo was born in Córdoba. He was the son of the hajib Almanzor and a Christian convert named Abda (born Urraca), the daughter of Sancho II of Pamplona. He was nicknamed Sanchuelo (Arabic: Shanjoul‎), the diminutive of Sancho, because he looked like his Christian grandfather.

Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo

Abd al-Rahman, known as Sanchuelo (983 – 3 March 1009), was the ʿĀmirid hajib (chief minister) of the Caliphate of Córdoba under Caliph Hisham II from 1008 until his death. Actual power in the caliphate at the time was in the hands of the hajib. Sanchuelo was born in Córdoba. He was the son of the hajib Almanzor and a Christian convert named Abda (born Urraca), the daughter of Sancho II of Pamplona. He was nicknamed Sanchuelo (Arabic: Shanjoul‎), the diminutive of Sancho, because he looked like his Christian grandfather.