Abdallah ibn Ahmad

‘Abdallah ibn Ahmad was the amir of Sistan from 922 to 923. ‘Abdallah became amir on the night of October 8, 922, when he led an uprising in Zarang against Ahmad ibn Qudam. Most of the people of Zarang supported ‘Abdallah, forcing Ahmad to flee the town; the latter made his way to al-Rukhkhaj and Bust. ‘Abdallah attempted to pursue him by taking a direct route across the desert, but found that Ahmad had poisoned all the wells along the way. Having to take a longer route instead, he nevertheless caught up to Ahmad in January 923, defeating him in battle and capturing him.

Abdallah ibn Ahmad

‘Abdallah ibn Ahmad was the amir of Sistan from 922 to 923. ‘Abdallah became amir on the night of October 8, 922, when he led an uprising in Zarang against Ahmad ibn Qudam. Most of the people of Zarang supported ‘Abdallah, forcing Ahmad to flee the town; the latter made his way to al-Rukhkhaj and Bust. ‘Abdallah attempted to pursue him by taking a direct route across the desert, but found that Ahmad had poisoned all the wells along the way. Having to take a longer route instead, he nevertheless caught up to Ahmad in January 923, defeating him in battle and capturing him.