Abdel Karim Obeid

Abdel Karim Obeid (/ˈæbdʊl ˈkɑːriːm oʊˈbeɪd/ ; Arabic: الشيخ عبد الكريم عبيد‎; born 1957) is a Sheikh and Imam of the village of Jibchit in south Lebanon, high-place of Lebanese Shiism.

Abdel Karim Obeid

Abdel Karim Obeid (/ˈæbdʊl ˈkɑːriːm oʊˈbeɪd/ ; Arabic: الشيخ عبد الكريم عبيد‎; born 1957) is a Sheikh and Imam of the village of Jibchit in south Lebanon, high-place of Lebanese Shiism.