Abdul Samad Ghaus

Abdul Samad Ghaus (1928 – 2008?) was deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan in Mohammed Daoud Khan's Republic of Afghanistan. He was the most senior official of the Afghan Foreign Ministry to survive the communist coup in April 1978. After house arrest, he was imprisoned in 1980. He came to United States in 1981 and authored "The Fall of Afghanistan: an insider's account" in 1988, where he recounts detailed events leading to assassination of the president Mohammed Daoud Khan and fall of Republic of Afghanistan.

Abdul Samad Ghaus

Abdul Samad Ghaus (1928 – 2008?) was deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan in Mohammed Daoud Khan's Republic of Afghanistan. He was the most senior official of the Afghan Foreign Ministry to survive the communist coup in April 1978. After house arrest, he was imprisoned in 1980. He came to United States in 1981 and authored "The Fall of Afghanistan: an insider's account" in 1988, where he recounts detailed events leading to assassination of the president Mohammed Daoud Khan and fall of Republic of Afghanistan.