Abdullah al-Ahdal

Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Ahdal, a native of Saudi Arabia, was the great Imam of Belgium. He died in 1989 in Brussels. On March 29, 1989, while he was rector of the Great Mosque of Brussels, a gunman entered and shot him. The Lebanese terrorist organization Soldiers of the Right claimed credit for the murders Belgian authorities and the news media linked the killings to The Satanic Verses controversy: the previous month Iranian Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had issued a fatwā ordering Muslims to kill novelist Salman Rushdie because of their objections to the publication of his book The Satanic Verses. Al-Ahdal had publicly criticized Rushdie, but had also argued that the fatwā was contrary to Islamic law. Al-Ahdal was killed along with the Tunisian Muslim librarian Salem el-Beher. Doubts per

Abdullah al-Ahdal

Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Ahdal, a native of Saudi Arabia, was the great Imam of Belgium. He died in 1989 in Brussels. On March 29, 1989, while he was rector of the Great Mosque of Brussels, a gunman entered and shot him. The Lebanese terrorist organization Soldiers of the Right claimed credit for the murders Belgian authorities and the news media linked the killings to The Satanic Verses controversy: the previous month Iranian Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had issued a fatwā ordering Muslims to kill novelist Salman Rushdie because of their objections to the publication of his book The Satanic Verses. Al-Ahdal had publicly criticized Rushdie, but had also argued that the fatwā was contrary to Islamic law. Al-Ahdal was killed along with the Tunisian Muslim librarian Salem el-Beher. Doubts per