Abortion in Cuba

Abortion in Cuba is legal and available upon request, which is rare in Latin America because of widespread Catholic influence. It is unlikely that the rest of Latin America will soon follow the Cuban model as politicians, social commentators, and church officials all tend to oppose abortion, citing reasons of religion and "morality". Dr. Sosa Marin of the National Commission for Family Planning has stated that "the right to abort is the right of women and their partners."

Abortion in Cuba

Abortion in Cuba is legal and available upon request, which is rare in Latin America because of widespread Catholic influence. It is unlikely that the rest of Latin America will soon follow the Cuban model as politicians, social commentators, and church officials all tend to oppose abortion, citing reasons of religion and "morality". Dr. Sosa Marin of the National Commission for Family Planning has stated that "the right to abort is the right of women and their partners."