Abstract differential equation

In mathematics, an abstract differential equation is a differential equation in which the unknown function and its derivatives take values in some generic abstract space (a Hilbert space, a Banach space, etc.). Equations of this kind arise e.g. in the study of partial differential equations: if to one of the variables is given a privileged position (e.g. time, in heat or wave equations) and all the others are put together, an ordinary "differential" equation with respect to the variable which was put in evidence is obtained. Adding boundary conditions can often be translated in terms of considering solutions in some convenient function spaces.

Abstract differential equation

In mathematics, an abstract differential equation is a differential equation in which the unknown function and its derivatives take values in some generic abstract space (a Hilbert space, a Banach space, etc.). Equations of this kind arise e.g. in the study of partial differential equations: if to one of the variables is given a privileged position (e.g. time, in heat or wave equations) and all the others are put together, an ordinary "differential" equation with respect to the variable which was put in evidence is obtained. Adding boundary conditions can often be translated in terms of considering solutions in some convenient function spaces.