Abu Dulaf al-Ijli

Abū Dulaf al-Qāsim ibn ‘Īsā ibn Ma‘qil ibn Idrīs al-‘Ijlī (ابو دُلَف القاسم بن عيسى بن مَعْقِل بن ادريس العِجْلى) was a military commander under the Abbasid caliphs al-Ma’mūn and al-Mu‘taṣim. His father had commenced construction of the city of Karaj in Jibal, the tribal residence of the Banū Ijlī; as governor, Abū Dulaf completed its construction. He was an illustrious man of letters and science, a brilliant poet, a musical composer, a talented vocalist, and an expert on the Bedouin dialect. His generosity was proverbial. He died at Baghdad in 226 or 225 AH [840–2 AD].

Abu Dulaf al-Ijli

Abū Dulaf al-Qāsim ibn ‘Īsā ibn Ma‘qil ibn Idrīs al-‘Ijlī (ابو دُلَف القاسم بن عيسى بن مَعْقِل بن ادريس العِجْلى) was a military commander under the Abbasid caliphs al-Ma’mūn and al-Mu‘taṣim. His father had commenced construction of the city of Karaj in Jibal, the tribal residence of the Banū Ijlī; as governor, Abū Dulaf completed its construction. He was an illustrious man of letters and science, a brilliant poet, a musical composer, a talented vocalist, and an expert on the Bedouin dialect. His generosity was proverbial. He died at Baghdad in 226 or 225 AH [840–2 AD].