Abu al-Abbas as-Sabti

Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Ja'far al-Khazraji al-Sabti (Sabta 1129 - Marrakesh 1204), better known as Sidi Bel Abbas, was a Moroccan Muslim saint. He is the patron saint of Marrakesh in the Islamic tradition and also one of the "Seven Saints" (Sabʿatou Rijal) of the city. His festival was founded by al-Hasan al-Yusi at the instigation of Moulay Ismael. Abu al-Abbas's hagiography, Akhbar Abi'l-Abbas as-Sabti, written by Abu Ya’qub Yusuf ibn Yahya at-Tadili, was in part composed by Abu al-Abbas himself and contains many autobiographical passages.

Abu al-Abbas as-Sabti

Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Ja'far al-Khazraji al-Sabti (Sabta 1129 - Marrakesh 1204), better known as Sidi Bel Abbas, was a Moroccan Muslim saint. He is the patron saint of Marrakesh in the Islamic tradition and also one of the "Seven Saints" (Sabʿatou Rijal) of the city. His festival was founded by al-Hasan al-Yusi at the instigation of Moulay Ismael. Abu al-Abbas's hagiography, Akhbar Abi'l-Abbas as-Sabti, written by Abu Ya’qub Yusuf ibn Yahya at-Tadili, was in part composed by Abu al-Abbas himself and contains many autobiographical passages.