Acer campestre 'William Caldwell'

The Field Maple cultivar Acer campestre 'William Caldwell' was cloned from a seedling discovered at Caldwell's Ollerton Nursery near Knutsford, England, on 16 September 1976 by Donovan Caldwell Leaman, Director of the Caldwell's Nurseries that closed on 31 January 1992, after 212 years in Knutsford. The tree was released to commerce in 1984.

Acer campestre 'William Caldwell'

The Field Maple cultivar Acer campestre 'William Caldwell' was cloned from a seedling discovered at Caldwell's Ollerton Nursery near Knutsford, England, on 16 September 1976 by Donovan Caldwell Leaman, Director of the Caldwell's Nurseries that closed on 31 January 1992, after 212 years in Knutsford. The tree was released to commerce in 1984.