Act as 1 Campaign

Act as 1 was a domestic violence prevention campaign led by the Queensland Government in Australia. The campaign contained the core message that domestic violence and family violence affect women, men, children, families, neighbours, workplaces and communities and is estimated to cost the Queensland economy $2.7 to $3.2 billion annually. Act as 1 gathered community support to bring family violence out from behind closed doors. The Act as 1 encouraged neighbours, friends, family members, colleagues and community members to take a stand against family violence and support those affected.

Act as 1 Campaign

Act as 1 was a domestic violence prevention campaign led by the Queensland Government in Australia. The campaign contained the core message that domestic violence and family violence affect women, men, children, families, neighbours, workplaces and communities and is estimated to cost the Queensland economy $2.7 to $3.2 billion annually. Act as 1 gathered community support to bring family violence out from behind closed doors. The Act as 1 encouraged neighbours, friends, family members, colleagues and community members to take a stand against family violence and support those affected.