Adaptive mentalization-based integrative treatment

Adaptive mentalization-based integrative treatment (AMBIT) is a novel adaptation (by Dickon Bevington, Peter Fuggle, Liz Cracknell, Peter Fonagy, Eia Asen, Mary Target, Neil Dawson and Rabia Malik) of the theory of mentalization and practices of mentalization-based treatment to address the needs of chaotic, complex and multiply comorbid youth, via team-based (predominantly outreach) multimodal practices. Mentalization is applied and fostered explicitly in four directions in AMBIT:

Adaptive mentalization-based integrative treatment

Adaptive mentalization-based integrative treatment (AMBIT) is a novel adaptation (by Dickon Bevington, Peter Fuggle, Liz Cracknell, Peter Fonagy, Eia Asen, Mary Target, Neil Dawson and Rabia Malik) of the theory of mentalization and practices of mentalization-based treatment to address the needs of chaotic, complex and multiply comorbid youth, via team-based (predominantly outreach) multimodal practices. Mentalization is applied and fostered explicitly in four directions in AMBIT: