
Adenosarcoma (also Mullerian Adenosarcoma) is a rare malignant tumor that occurs in women of all age groups, but most commonly post-menopause. Adenosarcoma arises from mesenchymal tissue and has a mixture of the tumoral components of an adenoma, a tumor of epithelial origin, and a sarcoma, a tumor originating from connective tissue. The adenoma, or epithelial component of the tumor, is benign, while the sarcomatous stroma is malignant. The most common site of adenosarcoma formation is the uterus, but it can also occur in the cervix and ovaries. It more rarely arises in the vagina and fallopian tubes as well as primary pelvic or peritoneal sites, such as the omentum, especially in those with a history of endometriosis. The rare cases of adenosarcoma outside the female genital tract usually


Adenosarcoma (also Mullerian Adenosarcoma) is a rare malignant tumor that occurs in women of all age groups, but most commonly post-menopause. Adenosarcoma arises from mesenchymal tissue and has a mixture of the tumoral components of an adenoma, a tumor of epithelial origin, and a sarcoma, a tumor originating from connective tissue. The adenoma, or epithelial component of the tumor, is benign, while the sarcomatous stroma is malignant. The most common site of adenosarcoma formation is the uterus, but it can also occur in the cervix and ovaries. It more rarely arises in the vagina and fallopian tubes as well as primary pelvic or peritoneal sites, such as the omentum, especially in those with a history of endometriosis. The rare cases of adenosarcoma outside the female genital tract usually