Adoption (farming and cattle raising)

Adoption (apadrinamiento in Spanish, apadrinament in Catalan, parrainage in French) of a farm plant or animal is a method of commercial sponsorship in the farming and cattle raising sector. Any kind of farm plant (like a grapevine, an olive tree, an orange tree, an almond tree, an apple tree) or animal (a cow, a sheep, a pig) can become an object of adoption.

Adoption (farming and cattle raising)

Adoption (apadrinamiento in Spanish, apadrinament in Catalan, parrainage in French) of a farm plant or animal is a method of commercial sponsorship in the farming and cattle raising sector. Any kind of farm plant (like a grapevine, an olive tree, an orange tree, an almond tree, an apple tree) or animal (a cow, a sheep, a pig) can become an object of adoption.