Advanced Arresting Gear

The Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) is a type of arresting gear currently in development by General Atomics for the U.S. Navy's newest Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers. It will replace the MK 7 hydraulic arresting gear which is in use on the ten Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The AAG is designed for a broader range of aircraft, including UAVs, while reducing manpower and maintenance. Rotary engines which use simple energy-absorbing water turbines (or twisters) coupled to a large induction motor provide finer control of the arresting forces.

Advanced Arresting Gear

The Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) is a type of arresting gear currently in development by General Atomics for the U.S. Navy's newest Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers. It will replace the MK 7 hydraulic arresting gear which is in use on the ten Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The AAG is designed for a broader range of aircraft, including UAVs, while reducing manpower and maintenance. Rotary engines which use simple energy-absorbing water turbines (or twisters) coupled to a large induction motor provide finer control of the arresting forces.