Adventure Rupes

Adventure Rupes is an escarpment on Mercury approximately 270 kilometres (170 miles) long located in the southern hemisphere of Mercury. Discovered by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974, it was formed by a thrust fault, thought to have occurred due to the shrinkage of the planet's core as it cooled over time. The scarp is named after HMS Adventure, one of James Cook's ships on his second voyage to the Pacific, 1772–1775.

Adventure Rupes

Adventure Rupes is an escarpment on Mercury approximately 270 kilometres (170 miles) long located in the southern hemisphere of Mercury. Discovered by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974, it was formed by a thrust fault, thought to have occurred due to the shrinkage of the planet's core as it cooled over time. The scarp is named after HMS Adventure, one of James Cook's ships on his second voyage to the Pacific, 1772–1775.