
In Greek mythology, Aello (/eɪˈɛloʊ/; Ancient Greek: Ἀελλώ, Aellō means "storm" or "storm-swift" in ancient Greek) was one of the Harpy sisters who would abduct people and torture them on their way to Tartarus. It is claimed she is the mother of Achilles's immortal steeds Balius (Balios) and Xanthus (Xanthos) by Zephyrus, but some sources claim it was really her sister Celaeno. She is also referred to as: Aello was also the name of one of Actaeon's dogs who destroyed their master when he was changed into a stag by the goddess of hunt, Artemis.


In Greek mythology, Aello (/eɪˈɛloʊ/; Ancient Greek: Ἀελλώ, Aellō means "storm" or "storm-swift" in ancient Greek) was one of the Harpy sisters who would abduct people and torture them on their way to Tartarus. It is claimed she is the mother of Achilles's immortal steeds Balius (Balios) and Xanthus (Xanthos) by Zephyrus, but some sources claim it was really her sister Celaeno. She is also referred to as: Aello was also the name of one of Actaeon's dogs who destroyed their master when he was changed into a stag by the goddess of hunt, Artemis.