Afghan Film

Afghan Film also known as Afghan Film Organization (AFO) is Afghanistan's state-run film company, established in 1968. The current president is Sahraa Karimi, who attained a PhD in Cinema from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and is its first female president. In 2019, the documentary The Forbidden Reel, which details the history of Afghan Cinema through interviews and archives was released. Directed by Afghan-Canadian filmmaker, Ariel Nasr, the film premiered internationally at IDFA 2019, and won the Rogers Audience Award at Hot Docs 2020.

Afghan Film

Afghan Film also known as Afghan Film Organization (AFO) is Afghanistan's state-run film company, established in 1968. The current president is Sahraa Karimi, who attained a PhD in Cinema from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and is its first female president. In 2019, the documentary The Forbidden Reel, which details the history of Afghan Cinema through interviews and archives was released. Directed by Afghan-Canadian filmmaker, Ariel Nasr, the film premiered internationally at IDFA 2019, and won the Rogers Audience Award at Hot Docs 2020.