Against Leptines

"Against Leptines" was a speech given by Demosthenes in which he called for the repeal of a law sponsored by Leptines, which denied anyone a special exemption from paying public charges (leitourgiai). It was probably delivered in the year 355–54 BC. Unusually for Athenian law courts, though Demosthenes wrote the speech for Ctesippus, the son of Chabrias, he probably delivered it himself. It is thus the first speech which Demosthenes delivered in a public case.

Against Leptines

"Against Leptines" was a speech given by Demosthenes in which he called for the repeal of a law sponsored by Leptines, which denied anyone a special exemption from paying public charges (leitourgiai). It was probably delivered in the year 355–54 BC. Unusually for Athenian law courts, though Demosthenes wrote the speech for Ctesippus, the son of Chabrias, he probably delivered it himself. It is thus the first speech which Demosthenes delivered in a public case.