Agaricus albolutescens

Agaricus albolutescens is a moderate-sized, stocky-statured mushroom with a pleasant odor; it bruises slowly but persistently yellow. This character distinguishes it from other Agaricus species, such as Agaricus xanthodermus, a mildly toxic species which has a phenolic or medicinal odor, and bruises fleetingly yellow. Fieldmarks of Agaricus albolutescens include a tendency to discolor tawny-brown, rather than merely yellow, and chocolate-brown free gills. Agaricus silvicola is very similar but has a less dramatic bruising reaction, more yellowish than tawny, a normal rather than stocky stature, and slightly smaller spores. A. albolutescens and A. silvicola represent a single polymorphic species or a species complex.

Agaricus albolutescens

Agaricus albolutescens is a moderate-sized, stocky-statured mushroom with a pleasant odor; it bruises slowly but persistently yellow. This character distinguishes it from other Agaricus species, such as Agaricus xanthodermus, a mildly toxic species which has a phenolic or medicinal odor, and bruises fleetingly yellow. Fieldmarks of Agaricus albolutescens include a tendency to discolor tawny-brown, rather than merely yellow, and chocolate-brown free gills. Agaricus silvicola is very similar but has a less dramatic bruising reaction, more yellowish than tawny, a normal rather than stocky stature, and slightly smaller spores. A. albolutescens and A. silvicola represent a single polymorphic species or a species complex.