Agence nationale pour l'emploi

The Agence nationale pour l'emploi, or ANPE (English: "National Employment Agency" or "National Work Agency") was a French government agency which provided counseling and aid to those who are in search of a job or of training. The ANPE was created on 13 July 1967. In December 2008, the ANPE merged with the Assedic benefits agency to create a comprehensive employment agency called Pôle emploi, based on those of Germany and the UK.

Agence nationale pour l'emploi

The Agence nationale pour l'emploi, or ANPE (English: "National Employment Agency" or "National Work Agency") was a French government agency which provided counseling and aid to those who are in search of a job or of training. The ANPE was created on 13 July 1967. In December 2008, the ANPE merged with the Assedic benefits agency to create a comprehensive employment agency called Pôle emploi, based on those of Germany and the UK.