
Aglets is a Java-based mobile agent platform and library for building mobile agents based applications. An aglet is a Java agent which can autonomously and spontaneously move from one host to another carrying a piece of code with it. It can be programmed to execute at a remote host and show different behaviours at different hosts. Java based security implementations take care of authorised access to local resources at the remote hosts. No new releases of Aglets have been made since 2001, although an updated users manual was released in 2004. The future of the project is unclear.


Aglets is a Java-based mobile agent platform and library for building mobile agents based applications. An aglet is a Java agent which can autonomously and spontaneously move from one host to another carrying a piece of code with it. It can be programmed to execute at a remote host and show different behaviours at different hosts. Java based security implementations take care of authorised access to local resources at the remote hosts. No new releases of Aglets have been made since 2001, although an updated users manual was released in 2004. The future of the project is unclear.