
The Agracetus Campus of Monsanto Company is a soybean transformation laboratory. It has over 21,700 employees worldwide, and an annual revenue of US$11.365 billion reported for 2008. The first successful genetically engineered crop ever produced for the commercial market was the Roundup Ready soybean, produced at Agracetus in 1991, and was one of fourteen successful transformation events. Scientists there used gold bead gene transfer technology coupled with the β-Glucuronidase reporter gene to produce the plant. The actual gun that shot the gold beads and produced the genetic modifications is now owned by the Smithsonian museum in Washington, DC.


The Agracetus Campus of Monsanto Company is a soybean transformation laboratory. It has over 21,700 employees worldwide, and an annual revenue of US$11.365 billion reported for 2008. The first successful genetically engineered crop ever produced for the commercial market was the Roundup Ready soybean, produced at Agracetus in 1991, and was one of fourteen successful transformation events. Scientists there used gold bead gene transfer technology coupled with the β-Glucuronidase reporter gene to produce the plant. The actual gun that shot the gold beads and produced the genetic modifications is now owned by the Smithsonian museum in Washington, DC.