Ahmad Shah of Malacca

Sultan Ahmad Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Shah (died 1513) was the last sultan of the Malaccan sultanate. The son of Sultan Mahmud Shah, Ahmad Shah's rule began in 1511 when his father stepped aside, and ended in 1513 when he died during the kingdom's war with Portugal: His father stabbed him after failing to conquer Malacca. He was succeeded by his father. There is also another account regarding how Ahmad Shah was in charge despite not being officially appointed as ruler to cover up for his father's escape with Tun Teja alongside Hang Tuah to the Indian Ocean.

Ahmad Shah of Malacca

Sultan Ahmad Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Shah (died 1513) was the last sultan of the Malaccan sultanate. The son of Sultan Mahmud Shah, Ahmad Shah's rule began in 1511 when his father stepped aside, and ended in 1513 when he died during the kingdom's war with Portugal: His father stabbed him after failing to conquer Malacca. He was succeeded by his father. There is also another account regarding how Ahmad Shah was in charge despite not being officially appointed as ruler to cover up for his father's escape with Tun Teja alongside Hang Tuah to the Indian Ocean.