Ahmed Rajo

Ahmed Rajo is a union council in Badin District of Sindh, Pakistan, with a total population of 46,152. On the first Sunday of every lunar month, it hosts the observance of the urs of the saint Syed Ahmed Shah Rajo, which is locally known as Sao Aacha'ar, or "Green Sunday". Several buffaloes are slaughtered, and the meat is distributed among the poor. Thousands of people from surrounding areas flock here for the occasion, bringing cooking pots and ingredients to prepare biryani along with the meat. The biryani must contain only rice and salt, with other seasonings or condiments prohibited, and it must be eaten on the shrine's premises, or else the devotee is believed to suffer misfortune and the meat will taste like donkey instead of buffalo. The urs is marked by an increase in economic act

Ahmed Rajo

Ahmed Rajo is a union council in Badin District of Sindh, Pakistan, with a total population of 46,152. On the first Sunday of every lunar month, it hosts the observance of the urs of the saint Syed Ahmed Shah Rajo, which is locally known as Sao Aacha'ar, or "Green Sunday". Several buffaloes are slaughtered, and the meat is distributed among the poor. Thousands of people from surrounding areas flock here for the occasion, bringing cooking pots and ingredients to prepare biryani along with the meat. The biryani must contain only rice and salt, with other seasonings or condiments prohibited, and it must be eaten on the shrine's premises, or else the devotee is believed to suffer misfortune and the meat will taste like donkey instead of buffalo. The urs is marked by an increase in economic act