
Ahtahkakoop (Cree: Atāhkakohp, "Starblanket")(c. 1816 – 1896) was a Chief of the House Cree (Wāskahikaniwiyiniwak) division of the Plains Cree, who led his people through the transition from hunter and warrior to farmer, and from traditional indigenous spiritualism to Christianity during the last third of the 19th century.


Ahtahkakoop (Cree: Atāhkakohp, "Starblanket")(c. 1816 – 1896) was a Chief of the House Cree (Wāskahikaniwiyiniwak) division of the Plains Cree, who led his people through the transition from hunter and warrior to farmer, and from traditional indigenous spiritualism to Christianity during the last third of the 19th century.