Ailill the Second

Saint Ailill the Second (also called Ailill the Younger, Ailill II, Ailiell, Ailild, Ailid, Alild, Ailillus, Alellus, Alildus, Oilill, Oileal, Oileald, Olildus, Olild, Elias, Eulalius, Helias) b. c.480 - d. 1 July 536, was the Bishop of Armagh, Ireland from 526 to 536.

Ailill the Second

Saint Ailill the Second (also called Ailill the Younger, Ailill II, Ailiell, Ailild, Ailid, Alild, Ailillus, Alellus, Alildus, Oilill, Oileal, Oileald, Olildus, Olild, Elias, Eulalius, Helias) b. c.480 - d. 1 July 536, was the Bishop of Armagh, Ireland from 526 to 536.