Akuma na Eros

Akuma na Eros (悪魔なエロス, lit. "The Evil Eros"), also known as Virgin Crisis, is a shōjo manga series by Mayu Shinjo. It was serialized in 17 chapters by Shogakukan in the biweekly manga magazine Shōjo Comic in 2001, and collected in four bound volumes. It depicts the romance between a high-school girl, Miu, and Satan.

Akuma na Eros

Akuma na Eros (悪魔なエロス, lit. "The Evil Eros"), also known as Virgin Crisis, is a shōjo manga series by Mayu Shinjo. It was serialized in 17 chapters by Shogakukan in the biweekly manga magazine Shōjo Comic in 2001, and collected in four bound volumes. It depicts the romance between a high-school girl, Miu, and Satan.