Al-Ahvaz TV

Al-Ahvaz TV or AlAhvazTV, (Persian: شبکه الاهواز, Arabic: قناة الأهواز الفضائیة) is an Iranian satellite network in Arabic language (Khuzestani Arabic), belonging to Islamic Republic of Iran, who has been founded/launched in the city of Ahwaz by Seyyed Mohammad Ali Mousavi Jazayeri, the representative of Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist in Khuzestan province on 5 August 2013.

Al-Ahvaz TV

Al-Ahvaz TV or AlAhvazTV, (Persian: شبکه الاهواز, Arabic: قناة الأهواز الفضائیة) is an Iranian satellite network in Arabic language (Khuzestani Arabic), belonging to Islamic Republic of Iran, who has been founded/launched in the city of Ahwaz by Seyyed Mohammad Ali Mousavi Jazayeri, the representative of Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist in Khuzestan province on 5 August 2013.