
AL-Awazem (Arabic: العوازم‎; also spelled (awazem) Is one of the most well known Arabic tribes, and they are the largest tribe in Kuwait, and the one if the largest in Saudi Arabia. The meaning of the word AL awazem is determination. The name of a person from this tribe is called azmi and for a group of people awazem. AL azmi tribe is one of the largest tribe's in the Arabian Peninsula, Located in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Eygpt, Jordan, And some small families located in the United Arab Emaraits, Sudan And The sate of Qatar . They are till this moment the largest tribe in Kuwait which take around 20% from the Kuwaiti population. They are Hawazin which is from Adnan their ancestors were from najd the birth place of this tribe but in the further future they moved to the coastlines of t


AL-Awazem (Arabic: العوازم‎; also spelled (awazem) Is one of the most well known Arabic tribes, and they are the largest tribe in Kuwait, and the one if the largest in Saudi Arabia. The meaning of the word AL awazem is determination. The name of a person from this tribe is called azmi and for a group of people awazem. AL azmi tribe is one of the largest tribe's in the Arabian Peninsula, Located in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Eygpt, Jordan, And some small families located in the United Arab Emaraits, Sudan And The sate of Qatar . They are till this moment the largest tribe in Kuwait which take around 20% from the Kuwaiti population. They are Hawazin which is from Adnan their ancestors were from najd the birth place of this tribe but in the further future they moved to the coastlines of t