
The al-Bawn plain, or Qā‘ al-Bawn, is a plain located in north-central Yemen, in 'Amran Governorate. It is located just to the north of the Sanaa plain, with the two being separated by a rocky area formed by volcanic activity, and the high point between them being Jabal Din. Al-Bawn stretches from southwest to northeast, with the southwestern part being higher (al-Bawn al-A‘la) and the northeastern part being lower (al-Bawn al-Asfal). The main part of al-Bawn is mostly flat and under extensive cultivation. It is relatively dry, receiving on average 300-400 mm of rainfall annually. The plain is drained toward the northeast, passing through a narrow volcanic gorge toward and ultimately al-Jawf. The main settlements in al-Bawn are Raydah in the central part and 'Amran in the south.


The al-Bawn plain, or Qā‘ al-Bawn, is a plain located in north-central Yemen, in 'Amran Governorate. It is located just to the north of the Sanaa plain, with the two being separated by a rocky area formed by volcanic activity, and the high point between them being Jabal Din. Al-Bawn stretches from southwest to northeast, with the southwestern part being higher (al-Bawn al-A‘la) and the northeastern part being lower (al-Bawn al-Asfal). The main part of al-Bawn is mostly flat and under extensive cultivation. It is relatively dry, receiving on average 300-400 mm of rainfall annually. The plain is drained toward the northeast, passing through a narrow volcanic gorge toward and ultimately al-Jawf. The main settlements in al-Bawn are Raydah in the central part and 'Amran in the south.