Albertina Carlsson

Albertina Carlsson (12 June 1848 – 1930), was a Swedish zoologist. She is referred to as the first Swedish woman to have performed scientific studies in zoology. Carlsson was born to taylor A.P. Carlsson and A.M. Jönsson. She was given private tuition and educated herself at the Högre lärarinneseminariet in Stockholm 1865–68. She was employed as a teacher at the Paulis elementarläroverk för flickor ('Pauli Elementary For Girls') in 1870–81 and at Södermalms högre läroanstalt för flickor ('Södermalm Educational Institute for Girls') in 1881–1907.

Albertina Carlsson

Albertina Carlsson (12 June 1848 – 1930), was a Swedish zoologist. She is referred to as the first Swedish woman to have performed scientific studies in zoology. Carlsson was born to taylor A.P. Carlsson and A.M. Jönsson. She was given private tuition and educated herself at the Högre lärarinneseminariet in Stockholm 1865–68. She was employed as a teacher at the Paulis elementarläroverk för flickor ('Pauli Elementary For Girls') in 1870–81 and at Södermalms högre läroanstalt för flickor ('Södermalm Educational Institute for Girls') in 1881–1907.