Alessandro Leogrande

Alessandro Leogrande (20 May 1977 – 26 November 2017) was an Italian journalist. Born in Taranto in 1977, he moved to Rome in 1996, where he graduated with a degree in Philosophy from Sapienza University of Rome. During his career, Leogrande wrote for newspapers and magazines such as Internazionale, l'Unità, il Manifesto, Panorama, il Riformista, il Fatto Quotidiano, Una Città, Nuovi Argomenti, and gli Asini. He was a regular columnist for Corriere del Mezzogiorno, editor of Fuoribordo, insert of the weekly Pagina 99 and hosted broadcasts for Rai Radio 3 and Radio Svizzera Italiana. For ten years, he was deputy editor of the monthly Lo straniero.

Alessandro Leogrande

Alessandro Leogrande (20 May 1977 – 26 November 2017) was an Italian journalist. Born in Taranto in 1977, he moved to Rome in 1996, where he graduated with a degree in Philosophy from Sapienza University of Rome. During his career, Leogrande wrote for newspapers and magazines such as Internazionale, l'Unità, il Manifesto, Panorama, il Riformista, il Fatto Quotidiano, Una Città, Nuovi Argomenti, and gli Asini. He was a regular columnist for Corriere del Mezzogiorno, editor of Fuoribordo, insert of the weekly Pagina 99 and hosted broadcasts for Rai Radio 3 and Radio Svizzera Italiana. For ten years, he was deputy editor of the monthly Lo straniero.