Alexander Hahn (artist)

Alexander Hahn (born 1954) is an electronic media artist. An artistic innovator in his field, his work integrates the time-based forms of video with practices of computer imagery and print, animation, virtual reality, installation, and writing. He addresses the electronic image as a technological metaphor for perception, memory and dream: signals oscillate between lighting up and blanking out, between sensory presence, mental apparition and oblivion. As art historian Dominique Radrizzani writes in the catalog Astral Memories of a Flying Man: "It is this luminous realm of dream that Hahn’s great art of light and shadow rediscovers, using video like those infinite eyes which night has opened in us (Novalis) ... The terrains explored by Hahn are not those of the terrestrial globe anymore, but

Alexander Hahn (artist)

Alexander Hahn (born 1954) is an electronic media artist. An artistic innovator in his field, his work integrates the time-based forms of video with practices of computer imagery and print, animation, virtual reality, installation, and writing. He addresses the electronic image as a technological metaphor for perception, memory and dream: signals oscillate between lighting up and blanking out, between sensory presence, mental apparition and oblivion. As art historian Dominique Radrizzani writes in the catalog Astral Memories of a Flying Man: "It is this luminous realm of dream that Hahn’s great art of light and shadow rediscovers, using video like those infinite eyes which night has opened in us (Novalis) ... The terrains explored by Hahn are not those of the terrestrial globe anymore, but